Travel to your favourite places and learn how travel bloggers make money.

How travel bloggers make money and turn passion into profit

Ever wanted to travel the world, share your experiences to help others, and get paid to do it?

It’s not as far-fetched as it sounds — many people make a good living at travel blogging.

How travel bloggers make money is not a secret. They provide value to their readers by sharing travel experiences in a way that people are ready to hear. It’s about telling tales of hidden gems, breathtaking vistas, and those oh-so-delicious meals that had you at “hello.”

As a travel blogger, it’s your chance to inspire others to explore, to step out of their comfort zones, and to discover the beauty of the world.

How travel bloggers make money

But how do you turn that passion into a paycheck?

  • Affiliate Sales: There are many opportunities to find products and services that align with your travel niche and your personal values. You earn commissions while providing valuable advice and perspectives to your readers.

  • Advertising: Advertising platforms such as Mediavine can help you earn revenue passively. The more your blog traffic grows, the more you stand to earn.

  • Sponsored Content: More partnerships, this time with name brands that want access to your audience. You try their products or experiences and, if you like them and can authentically recommend them, you can get paid to create content.

Blogging resources to get you started

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “This sounds great, but where do I begin?”

I get it — I’ve been there. I started blogging a long time ago so I already knew how to create a website. But when I wanted to turn it into a business, I literally had NO clue.

Luckily I stumbled across a few really powerful courses, affiliate companies, and key pieces of technology that helped me move towards a successful blogging business.

So to help you out, I’ve done some of the homework for you — these resources are some of the best in the industry to get you started and teach you what you need to know.


Scale Your Travel Blog: As a #1 rated travel blogging course taught by the amazing teacher and coach Laura Peters Abalos, it’s packed with insights on creating captivating content, SEO strategies, monetizing your blog, and so much more.

I took this course in 2022, and can access it AND any updates for life. I HIGHLY recommend it if you’re serious about starting a blogging business. This is the compass you need to navigate the blogging world.

Affiliate Marketing 101 Masterclass: This is the course to take for an introduction to affiliate marketing and the fundamentals for that part of your business. Mega-successful blogger Shelley Marmor will teach you the theory behind affiliate marketing.

The aim of this course is to help you confidently get started and to lay a firm foundation so you can make real money as an affiliate marketer.

I took this course earlier this year and also had a 1:1 with Shelley on the subject in 2023. She really knows her stuff and is eager to help her students make money with affiliate marketing.

2024 conferences

Imagine being in a room (virtual or not) with 15 of the brightest minds in travel blogging.

Even in virtual mode, you’ll come away with the latest in blogging trends, new contacts and networks, and new strategies to implement in your business.

I’ve attended this event for the last two years running and each time I’ve come away with insights and inspiration. It’s an invaluable experience for anyone serious about making their mark.

Affiliate information

Travelpayouts Affiliate Network: There’s lots of affiliate programs out there, some are good and some, unfortunately, test my patience.

But when I started working with Travelpayouts, I could breathe a huge sigh of relief.

Through them, I can to find and apply to brands with products and services that I love and begin to earn commissions. AND they organize all my data and information on a single dashboard — very helpful in maintaining control of your business.

Also — and this is very important to me — Travelpayouts is a company that is responsive with great customer service.

Now they’re my go-to partner for finding and managing affiliate programs that suit my travel niche.

Other Resources: There’s a sea of information out there, from SEO tools to social media strategies. Dive in, and don’t be afraid to invest in your blog. Your future self will thank you.

Conclusion: just get started

Starting a travel blog is like setting off on a new adventure. There will be challenges, but the rewards—both personal and financial—can be immense. Many times, it’s a case of learn while you earn — just get started and worry about perfection later.

With the right approach, your blog can become a thriving platform that inspires others to explore the world while providing you with a fulfilling career.

So what are you waiting for? Pack your virtual bags and start blogging!

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Featured Photo credit:  149809010 © Gutescu
